The above is what we know as Software Development Life Cycle ( SDLC ) The platform target the three stages of above cycle :
a. Check in your code and create a PR - the platform will make sure that only intended functionality is affected and no other aspect of application were broken.
b. Confirm a functionality change on the platform and heal your tests & keep them updated with a simple “confirm change” click.
a. Run regression or smoke tests before a release and a nightly scheduled run on various devices and platforms.
b. Field validations, broken links, exposed password fields, sql injection etc are part of a long list we run as field level andcomponent level tests.
c. Detect unintended style changes and spell check the application.
a. Run a timely test job to ensure coverage and application health. Create your desired schedule.
b. Collaborative space and a dashboard with application test health. Create new test with smart drag and drop and in plain English.
We intend to create a simple and seamless experience to onboard your applications and start building and managing your test automation.
• Maeris would now be able to go through your application and identify general functionality.
• It will generate common e2e UI function tests without any manual assistance.
• You will land on the dashboard which would display the recent results of the auto generated tests.
• Application health metrics, example: test results, browser performance, failed tests etc.
• Ability to create new tests with smart drag and drop functionality and using english-as-a-test-language.
• A personalized space which shows your individual activity and contributions. ( test created by you, test runs etc. )
• Ability to look into different aspects of your test automation -
The vision is to have an Intelligent Test Platform for your application.
The above stated features are being developed in phases, our first and current goal is to deliver the UI and Component aspect of the platform. This would cover
In this phase, we would build automation around the API and Performance aspect of the platform.
And finally, in this phase we extend the capability is to deliver the Security aspect of the platform. This would cover: